ESREAL ERP Sales Forecasting
ERP Sales Forecasting
- ESREAL ERP generates monthly or weekly sales forecasts for each product using the historical data recorded in the system using Artificial Intelligence techniques to automatically calculate the parameters that optimize the result of different models.
- In its forecasting function, ESREAL ERP allows election of weekly or monthly sales cycles depending on the frequency with which customers order your products. For high frequency a weekly cycle is recommended, otherwise a monthly cycle may produce more reliable results.
- The ESREAL ERP forecasting system includes seasonal (SARIMA) and non-seasonal (ARIMA) Integrated Automatic Regression models with Moving Average.
- ESREAL ERP includes three forecast models for Exponential Smoothing: Single, Double and Triple Smoothing.
- ESREAL ERP additionally offers options that calculate, compare and select the model that is closest to the historical results, among all the mentioned models (recommended by default) or among the exponential smoothing models.
- Both for the calculation of the optimal parameters of each model, and for the selection of the best model, ESREAL ERP allows the user to select between several criteria: simple and corrected Akaike Information, Bayesian Information and Square Root of the Average Error.
- By default, the system generates in a single operation the sales and inventory forecast calculations for all for all manufactured products, or for all products purchased from the same supplier.
- ESREAL ERP allows you to individually recalculate the forecast for each of the products using a different method or criterion from the one used for the group.
- The results generated by the selected method can be graphically analyzed for each product, including the range of reliability level (50%...95%) expected by the user and comparing it with the historical data used for its calculation.
- Sales forecast values can be manually adjusted for each product and week at the user's discretion.
- The generated and adjusted results can be graphically analyzed by comparing them with the historical data used for their calculation.

- For Manufactured Products, generates a weekly or monthly production schedule for Finished and Semi-Finished Products considering projected sales demand and presents a projection of future inventory levels. Calculates and presents the quantity of Finished and Semi-Finished Products of the program possible to manufacture with the projected existence of purchased components and allows manual adjustment of the production program. In parallel analysis and based on the adjusted program and the future demand for Finished and Semi-Finished Products, it presents a projection of the future inventory levels of its purchased components and makes and evaluates a recommendation for new Purchase Orders. This recommendation can be adjusted manually and with the click of a button these Purchase Orders are registered.
- For all products purchased from the same supplier, the sales forecast is used to present a future projection of its existence considering its sales demand and recommending a new Purchase Order when necessary. This recommendation can be adjusted manually and with the click of a button register that Purchase Order.
- In all the aforementioned analysis cases, in addition to demand, current inventories, customer orders pending dispatch, the adjustable target inventory in days of demand, and open or unreceived purchase orders and the suppliers delivery time when applicable are considered.
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