ESREAL ERP Manufacturing
ERP Manufacturing
- The Manufacturing process registers or adds inventory of Manufactured Products simultaneously deducting the inventory of its components, using multiples of their registered included quantities when the Manufactured Product is defined.
- The components of a Manufactured Product can be Purchased Products, or other Manufactured Products, which allows to use the Manufacturing process to handle very complex produced products, or simple ones where only a repacking is included.

- When the Manufactured Product is a complex assembly, it may be convenient to define intermediate or Semi-Finished Manufactured products, which production and inventory may be reported and controlled independently.
- ESREAL ERP provides the option to exclude from sales activities those Purchased or Semi-Finished Manufactured products when their only purpose is the production of finished Manufactured Products.
- ESREAL ERP can automatically generate a weekly manufacturing program considering current inventory, customer orders pending shipment, and projected sales demand from the sales forecasting tool. Projected future inventory levels can be reviewed graphically and the recommended schedule compared and adjusted with the possible one depending on the availability of purchased components. At the same time, an analysis is carried out on inventories, pending customer orders and open orders for its components, making a purchase order recommendation that can be adjusted and recorded for later confirmation.
- When registering a Manufacturing operation, quantities of Manufactured Products being fabricated and received in a Store may be manually registered selecting the Product by the initial characters of its Code or Name, or by narrowing the Product options using Product grouping selectors, or by using a bar code reader. An image of the Product may be displayed to confirm the identity of the product before entering it.
- The inventory cost of the reported Manufactured Product is calculated adding the accounting inventory cost of its components times the quantities registered for them, plus the registered Labor Cost, which is credited to the associated labor account for the Manufactured Product in the same operation.
- At the very moment of registering a Fabrication, ESREAL ERP generates the corresponding accounting entries so that the accounting of your company is always up to date.
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