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Install an ERP Management System for SME's

Centralize and keep all your company information current

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 Automate and control your processes with ESREAL Cloud ERP

  • Operates from the same platform that allows Google to provide billions of answers in milliseconds, guaranteeing speed, safety and continuous availability.
  • No need of servers installation or maintenance, only computers connected to Internet, and you get it working right after subscription.
  • Activities are recorded on line, simultaneously accounting transactions are recorded and configurable printed and electronic documents generated.
  • Users may work on the system from a computer at any remote location. Accounting and reports always updated and accessible on Internet.
  • Authorized users may register Customer Orders and have access to administrative and accounting reports from any mobile device with Android technology.
  • Artificial Intelligence applied to sales forecasting, generating purchase and production orders that optimize your inventory.
  • PDF Documents are generated, simultaneously with Sales, Purchases and Administrative operations, and may be emailed to Customers and Suppliers with just one click.
  • XML Documents are generated, signed and sent simultaneously with generation of Invoices and Credit and Debit Notes when required by local authorities.
  • Accounting can operate with a double Chart of Accounts to differentiate the internal from the fiscal or to transition to new standards (GAAP, IAS or IFRS).
  • Unlimited support, documentation and videos make easy implementation and user training.
  • It works and is configurable for any type of business including whole and retail sales, manufacturing, services and projects.

ESREAL ERP Free has no cost!

ESREAL ERP Free operates with some restrictions.
ESREAL ERP Pro with a low cost per user delivers the full potential of ESREAL ERP.

Google Cloud
based ERP

No need of servers

Request your ESREAL ERP with Demo
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