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ERP Purchase Orders
- ESREAL ERP allows recording and monitoring of inventory products purchase orders to registered Suppliers. Orders may be recorded manually or may be automatically generated.
- ESREAL ERP may automatically generate purchase orders by Supplier considering the current inventory, the open purchase orders, the supplier delivery time, the pending to ship customer orders and the projected demand of sales from the sales forecasting tool. The projected future inventory levels may be reviewed graphically before registering the order. The automatic registered orders may be manually edited before sending them..
- When registering manual purchase orders, the user may:
- Select the Supplier from ordered alphabetical list or entering initial characters.
- Select Products directly entering the initial characters of its Code or Name, or by narrowing the Product options using Product grouping selectors, or by using a bar code reader. An image of the Product may be displayed to confirm the identity of the product before entering it.
- At the window of registering a purchase order the user may have information to negotiate as the previous price in the last reception, and the potential margin of the order.
- ESREAL ERP may be configured to simultaneously record advanced payments related to the open purchase order, that the system posts and controls automatically. To record them ESREAL ERP offers the four methods of payment mentioned in ERP Cash Administration (Cash, Check, Credit Card, Wire Transfer) that may be selected and registered from the same window.

- Right after its registration, the user may email the generated PDF document of the Purchase Order to the Supplier using automatic or manual assisted processes.
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