ESREAL ERP e-Commercet
ERP e-Commerce Web Page
- With minimal additional costs your company may have Internet web pages to commercialize your products. Go to and test some of the options provided by ESREAL ERP to configure your presence in Internet.
- ESREAL ERP includes a Web Page Configuration tool that allows definition of the general appearance of your web pages to reflect your company commercial image:
- Company information like images of Logo and Name, email, commercial and legal terms and conditions.
- General arrangement and design of the page, including menu position, font, maximum number of products displayed in the same page, etc.
- Colors for each of the segments of the page, including a convenience tool that may harmonize them.

- All changes made through the configuration tool of the web page, are implemented immediately and presented when a customer opens a new session immediately after changes have been recorded.
- Similarly, any change made to your Products images, prices, descriptions etc., are immediately implemented and presented to a customer who opens a new session immediately after changes have been recorded.
- ESREAL ERP e-Commerce web page includes a shopping cart, that allows customers to place orders that are immediately transmitted and visible in your ESREAL ERP customer open orders.
- Registered customers have also access to statistical information on their past purchases and a recommendation of orders using previous purchase history.
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